Members List

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Prof DrAhmetÖzdemirAnadolu UniversityTurkeyBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMohammadHossenChittagong University of Engineering and TechnologyBangladeshBest Researcher Award
Prof DrFoluso OluwagbemigaOsunsanmiUniversity of ZululandSouth AfricaBest Researcher Award
ProfFeiLiInstitute of Grassland Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesChinaBest Researcher Award
ProfIreneDiniFederico II University of NaplesItalyWomen Researcher Award
ProfYasserKhadrawyNational Research CentreEgyptBest Researcher Award
ProfDandanHanJilin Institute of Chemical TechnologyChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof成凯西北工业大学ChinaBest Researcher Award
ProfMohamed HossamIsmailCairo UniversityEgyptBest Researcher Award
ProfPabloGonzalez-AlbornozUniversidad Adventista de ChileChileExcellence in Research
ProfMohammad SaeedIqbalForman Christian College LahorePakistanBest Researcher Award
ProfMihaelaSpataru”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University of Life SciencesRomaniaBest Researcher Award
MsGermeinMagdyCenter of Smart Materials, Nanotechnology and Photonics (CSMNP), Smart CI Research Center of Excellence, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria UniversityEgyptWomen Researcher Award
MsSubashiniBalakrishnanThe Open University of Sri LankaSri LankaBest Researcher Award
MsPaluckAroraThapar universityIndiaBest Researcher Award
MrsPoojaChandKumaun University NainitalIndiaBest Researcher Award
MrsMimiGongMichigan State UniversityUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
MrWedajoGebreJinka UniversityEthiopiaBest Researcher Award
MrMulugetaAsnakewLecturer at Kabridahar University EthiopiaEthiopiaBest Researcher Award
MrBiadgeKefaleEthiopian Institute of Agricultural ResearchEthiopiaYoung Scientist Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for