Members List

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
DrRandaMLIKNational Institute of Agronomic Research of AlgeriaAlgeriaBest Researcher Award
DrPabloHegelUniversidad Nacional del Sur/CONICETArgentinaBest Researcher Award
Prof DrMohammadHossenChittagong University of Engineering and TechnologyBangladeshBest Researcher Award
DrPlinioCantero LópezAndres Bello UniversityChileBest Researcher Award
ProfPabloGonzalez-AlbornozUniversidad Adventista de ChileChileExcellence in Research
ProfFeiLiInstitute of Grassland Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesChinaBest Researcher Award
MrYuhangZhuSchool of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
DrLuyaoZhaoShenyang University of TechnologyChinaBest Researcher Award
ProfDandanHanJilin Institute of Chemical TechnologyChinaBest Researcher Award
MrMirza AbdullahRehanUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaChinaBest Researcher Award
Prof成凯西北工业大学ChinaBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrHongLiQingdao UniversityChinaBest Scholar Award
DrJingxinZhangSoutheast UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
DrLiWangchongqing universityChinaBest Scholar Award
MsGermeinMagdyCenter of Smart Materials, Nanotechnology and Photonics (CSMNP), Smart CI Research Center of Excellence, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria UniversityEgyptWomen Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrDelvinAmanEgyptian Petroleum Research InstituteEgyptBest Researcher Award
ProfYasserKhadrawyNational Research CentreEgyptBest Researcher Award
ProfMohamed HossamIsmailCairo UniversityEgyptBest Researcher Award
DrDawitDibekuluBahir Dar UniversityEthiopiaBest Researcher Award
MrWedajoGebreJinka UniversityEthiopiaBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for